Hi! I'm Ruth Kneale, systems librarian and webmaster for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope. I'll be presenting in Session B304, "Content Management Systems", about the trials and tribulations of choosing and implementing a web CMS. I'll be blogging my comments and insights on the rest of the conference at Random Musings from the Desert.
My Schedule
I'm arriving Sunday afternoon and am connecting up with some Twitter friends for site-seeing and dinner.
- Opening Keynote
- 3-Way Tie: A101 "A Super Searcher Shares 30 Search Tips", C101 "Planning & Implementing Library 2.0", or D101 "Blending In: Librarians in the Networked Community"
- B102: "DIY Intranet"
- Lunch break
- C103: "New Rules of Web Design"
- D104: "MySpace & Facebook: Pros & Cons"
- C105: "Col Tools for Library Webmasters"
- Another 3-way Tie: A106 "Multimedia Search", C106 "Web Design on a Dime", or C106 "User-Generated Content"
- I'm hosting an LU/NextGen dine-around - meet us at the Portola Plaza fountain at 6:00pm (note time change!) if you want to join us!
- Keynote & Exhibits
- C201 "Organization 2.0"
- A202 "Promoting Play Through Online Discovery"
- Lunch break
- B203 "I'm at Web 2.0, Are You?"
- C204 "Librarians as Knowledge Managers"
- B205 "Developing a Taxonomy"
- I'm hosting an SLA dine-around at Cafe Fina; meet at the Portola Plaza fountain between 5:15 and 5:30, or join us at the restaurant!
- Keynote
- Tie: A301 "Alternative & Customized SEs" and B301 "Mashups & Data Visualizations"
- Tie: A302 "Search Engine Strategies" and B302 "What's Hot with RSS"
- Lunch Reception
- Tie: A303 "Keeping One Click Ahead" and B303 "Folksonomies and Tagging"
- B304 "Content Management Systems" - I'm the first speaker for this session. I'll be in costume, and I have candy to share!
- Run for the airport right after B304 ends.
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 8:38 pm on Oct 27, 2007
I'm really looking forward to seeing your talk on CMS. I hope you don't mind but I'll be recommending your talk to people who attend my presentation on DIY Intranet.
Anonymous said
at 12:40 am on Oct 29, 2007
hi Eleni - thanks - shucks, naw, don't tell anyone about it! (Ha!) Thanks for the plug, and I already had your DIY Intranet on my schedule!
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