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Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 8 months ago


Internet Librarian 2007 Wiki

mix electro




2.0: Info Pros, Library Communities, & Web Tools



The conference will take place from October 29-31, 2007 at the Monterey Conference Center in Monterey, CA. interior design

Note from Conference Organizers -

A quick note from Information Today, Inc. regarding the California fires. We are obviously monitoring the situation in California as everyone is. There is currently no expected impact on the Northern California region in general, and Monterey and the Internet Librarian conference specifically. Also, there does not seem to be any airline disruption getting to and from Monterey. Our thoughts are with the people impacted by the fires.
Thank you to Barbara Quint for the following --
Official Google Blog: Southern California fire mapsHere's a list of some of the most widely-used fire maps that our Google Maps team is aware of. [All of these are set in southern california.]
Here is a link to pictures taken at both conferences. You will notice a small figure in some pics.
Librarians recognize her as the LIBRARIAN ACTION FIGURE NANCY PEARL...she goes where I go and loves to be photographed.
Dr. Mary Ann Bell, lis_mah@shsu.edu



Anyone who wants to add to or edit topics on the wiki should feel free to do so. You don't need to ask before making a change -- this wiki belongs to all conference speakers and attendees. If you know something about the Monterey area or have some conference tips, please consider contributing to the wiki.



To edit the wiki, the password is refpowa




The tag for all blog posts, flickr pics, etc. is going to be IL2007. For Internet @ Schools West, the tag will be ISW2007. This will help everyone to keep track of what's going on at the conference through all of the social software media.



Wiki Topics

Booth Changes

San Jose State University-School of Library and Information Science: Booth Change











Tracking the Conference




If you add a new topic, please add it to this list on the main page so people can easily find it.


You can easily add a new page by putting the title of the new page inside brackets on the front page (you can see the formatting when you go to edit the page). Then, when you click on that link, you will be taken to a new page that you can add to.




 annuaire mode



 sites pour enfants

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gagner de l'argent sur internetCheck out Wiki Style and Advanced Wiki Style to see how to format text on the wiki. PBWiki Central also has lots of useful information on how to use PBWiki.




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